Operations System Overview | Pro plan, Custom plan

Learn what the Operations system can be used for.

Below you will find a list of goals the Operation system can be used for: 

  1. Send direct email requests to your suppliers. You can send bookings, allotment requests, amendment requests, reconfirmation requests, and cancellations to your suppliers. Read more here. 
  2. Receive and log supplier response. Receive responses from your suppliers, they can insert reference numbers, dates, and notes online.
  3. Segment your bookings. For example, have an overview of what each supplier does for a specific itinerary.
  4. Generate vouchers. Generate vouchers for all or selected services and have them attached to itinerary products automatically. Learn more here.
  5. Track sales data and review invoices. Monitor and keep track of incoming invoices for specific itineraries and keep an overview of your profits. Export this data. Learn more here.
  6. Upload participant information. Store trip participant information such as passport details and special needs. Read more here.