Manage trip participants | Pro plan, Custom plan

Learn how to manage trip participants in the Operations module.


Start by navigating to the Operation module from an itinerary you are working on.


In your Operations system, make sure the itinerary reference number is selected in the Itinerary filter menu. 

Locate Participants list in the top right section.

Choose from available options to save the participant information:

  • Upload participants list. An Excel file with a list of participants can be uploaded from your computer (a template is available and attached). Instead of uploading, you can also copy and paste the participant details from Excel directly into the dedicated area.  
  • New participant. Alternatively, you can save each participant entry manually directly in the Participants window.

NOTE: If you are uploading the list, make sure to either use a supported document type (csv., xlxs., xls.), or download the attached template. 


After participants are added, allocate them to specific itinerary services.

1. Tap on the participants icon on any activity on the Operations Products page. 


2. Drag participants from the list on the left-hand side to the selected product on the right.

3. Participants can be further associated with any type of resource, such as a room in a hotel, a table at a restaurant, a team in a team-building event, a car, etc. To create groups within an activity click + Add new.

NOTE: At the moment participants are stored in the Operations system but not shared with suppliers.