Itinerary reference number: TC-XXXXXXXX

Learn what is an itinerary reference number and how to make use of it.

  1. The itinerary reference number (e.g. TC-YMUWOUNZ) is an identification code of an itinerary. It allows you to search and quickly find specific itineraries. 

  2. The customer is also asked for the reference number by the TripCreator mobile app in order to retrieve the itinerary.

The TC number can be found in your Dashboard

Each itinerary has a dedicated reference number, which shows in the itinerary list in your dashboard in the Itinerary ref # column

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NOTE: You can customize the itinerary list display and the columns you wish to include in the dashboard using the "column" button. This allows you to hide any columns, including the reference number. 
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The TC reference number shows on the itinerary presentation

The itinerary reference number can also be found on the itinerary itself. Simply open an itinerary in Preview (available on the Customer View as well) and locate it in the Overview tab just below the header images.

NOTE: the TripCreator reference number can be removed from the presentation using the itinerary appearance functionality.

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TC number shared in the email sent from TripCreator

When an itinerary is shared via the TripCreator email system, the TC number is automatically included in the message and the receiver can click on it to access the trip.