Step 2 for agents: configure your profile settings

Learn how to configure your profile information (bio, profile photo, password) which automatically appears on your itineraries.

Once you have access to your TripCreator dashboard page, you can start configuring your account settings (profile and itinerary appearance).

In this article, you will learn:

1. where your profile settings are located;

2. what settings are available and how they will affect the itineraries you share with the end customers.


1. Access your profile settings in your Dashboard page.
You can either click on the Setup your profile option in the Onboard me box, or onto your name at the top right corner of your dashboard.

2. In your settings, you can insert your profile image, name, surname, bio and set up an email address different from your login address – this information will be shown to end customers on the itinerary About Us tab.

Note: In case on some of your itineraries you wish to not show this information, you are able to hide it with the itinerary appearance settings (learn about managing what information is shown to customers here).

In your profile settings, you can also save your itinerary language and e-mail system preferences, as well as change your account password.

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