Enabling the Travia integration

Step by step instructions on how to enable the Travia integration for your TripCreator account

TripCreator x Travia header

Available to TripCreator V2 Pro accounts 

Read more about the Travia integration here: https://www.tripcreator.com/tripcreator-x-travia-integration

If you have any questions, contact support@tripcreator.com.


TripCreator support
1. In your TripCreator account, make sure you have access to the Integration setup page (General settings > Integrations). If you lack access, please request access at support@tripcreator.com
TripCreator user
2. Log into your Travia production account and go to Users > API keys
3. Generate an API key for your integration
4. Go to the Integration settings found in your TripCreator account (General settings > Integrations) where you insert the API key for the Travia integration entry
5. You can now access your Travia property contracts from the TripCreator planner


Learn how to utilise your contracted Travia products in the itinerary creation process: Using Travia Inventory.