Edit Products

Learn all about editing products in an itinerary and your inventory.

Products can be edited in the Products inventory and in the planner. The same product in these two different places does not sync with one another automatically. In this article, both options will be explained:

  • Edit a product already added to the planner (calendar/list view)

  • Edit a product in your inventory (Products)


1. Edit a product already added to the planner (calendar/list view). This is a per-itinerary change, which does not affect the original product in the inventory. 

  1. Tap on a product in the calendar or the list view.
  2. Select the Modify option.
  3. Make any needed changes and save them.

2. Edit a product in the Products inventory. This way you change the default product template, reusable by the team. 

  • Navigate to PRODUCTS from the left-hand menu.

  • Find and open a product you wish to update.

  • If a product is labeled My Product – go ahead and EDIT it.

  • For any content provided by TripCreator, you will see the option DUPLICATE TO EDIT: the item will be cloned and its copy with any of your changes will be saved under the My Products tab. 

    Important: the changes will be saved to the particular product template only. They will not be synced with products that have been already added to itineraries.

NOTE: Inventory products can also be edited from the planner's list view – the inventory is located on your right-hand side, where you can find products and update them by clicking on the dotted menu and selecting the EDIT option. 
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