Step 1 for agents: sign up

This article explains how new agents can sign up for a client's account after being invited.

A TripCreator user can invite external users – agents to access their account in order for them to receive, adjust the pricing and rebrand the itineraries that can then be forwarded to end customers.

As an agent to use TripCreator, you will:

  • receive an email to sign up for your client's TripCreator account;

  • save your profile information;

  • set up your itinerary branding;

  • see and edit itineraries shared with you;

  • finalize itinerary pricing by inserting your markup;

  • send a final itinerary to the end customer.

To sign up for your client's TripCreator account:

  1. Receive an email to your inbox inviting you to sign up – click on the Join in button.

  2. Enter your credentials (new password, name, and surname) in the signup form.

    Important: You should receive an email confirmation request – make sure to confirm your email to be able to use the TripCreator account.